Town & Country Connection – FALL 2020

Town & Country Connection – FALL 2020

Town & Country Connection

We’ve been quite busy here at Town & Country Insurance the last couple of months! Most notably, we’ve updated our logo! This has been a very exciting process!

Click the links below to read each article, or scroll down for those without links.

Enjoy! ~Team T&C

New Logo!

We’re so excited to announce our new logo! Click the image to read more about that process!


Patty, Tina, Colleen & Rachel are all celebrating #workiversaries this FallTina is celebrating 24 years, Rachel eight yearsand Patty & Colleen are each celebrating their first year on our team! Click on their names above to learn more about each on of our awesome team members!

Online Education Tips

We all know the proverb “Necessity is the mother of invention,” and right now, that couldn’t be more true — especially when it comes to online learning. After all, many of us are required to work, live, and learn online, making it the perfect time to brush up on your digital learning skills.

But how? Sitting in front of a computer or tablet and taking a class isn’t something that comes naturally. And it can be even more difficult for a younger learner, as many parents of elementary school children are fully aware.

However, there are some tricks to getting the most out of your online course. Read on to learn more:

  • Participate – Talking to classmates, responding to teachers, and asking questions helps your brain “buy-in” to the online experience.
  • Get tech-savvy – Take some time to practice using your webcam, mic, and software. Nothing is more frustrating than unfamiliar technology or issues when trying to learn.
  • Make it fun  – Gamification, or the application of game-like elements to a given task, is a powerful tool. Reward yourself as you finish classes, level up after you complete projects, or compete with classmates to climb the leaderboard for most in-class questions answered.

If you can cut down the frustrations and amp up the rewards, online learning can be a great way to gain a new skill or learn new concepts. No matter what, don’t be discouraged. Try these tips and know that many people, just like you, are going through similar situations.

Warming Up Your Furnace

No matter where you live, temperatures are cooling, and many Americans are starting to wonder when they should begin heating their homes.

Your furnace, boiler, HVAC, or alternate heating system may have been dormant for months. That’s great from an energy-saving perspective, but taking some time now to make sure it’s ready for the colder months is a smart idea.

If you’re unsure of how to get your system up and running, fear not; we have you covered. Try the following to stay nice and toasty:

  • Professional servicing – Taking care of your heating’s mechanical side is crucial—schedule regular maintenance to avoid breakdowns and ensure efficiency.
  • Clean ducts – Sediment, dust, and other debris can build up in your system. Ensure you can keep the parts you see clean, and consider having a professional clean your ducts periodically.
  • Top up the juice – If you have natural gas, oil, or another fuel you are responsible for, make sure it is full and ready to go.
  • Play it smart – Consider upgrading to a “smart” thermostat. These track your usage and make recommendations to use less energy, which may help you save money.

Doing a little work up front can save you time, money, and hassle later on. So stay prepared, stay warm, and pat yourselves on the back for being ahead of the game.

Fun Fall Activities

You may have gotten out and about some this summer, but that doesn’t mean you aren’t still feeling cooped up as head into Fall. Whether you’re still in short sleeves, have broken out the sweatshirts, or are in full-on snow gear by late evening, it’s still the perfect time to enjoy the cooler weather before Winter arrives. But what to do since many are still avoiding large social gatherings?

Here are some fun ideas to try this Fall:

  • Explore Fall’s colors
    – Go on a hike and see the leaves don their vibrant orange and red foliage. Or, watch the hills turn bright green in the blustery rain.
  • Try pumpkin spice everything – Many coffee shops have pickup and order-ahead options. Pay ahead and pick up a pumpkin spice latte (extra whip hold the foam) before enjoying the brisk Fall air. Or, just splurge on the Pumpkin Spice creamer at your local grocery store!
  • Scavenger hunt – When is the last time you did this? Hide stuff all over your yard, around the house, or anywhere that is a safe place for scavenger hunting hijinks.
  • Do you zoo? – It might sound crazy, but many zoos are open and have COVID-19 protocols for safe viewing. Make a reservation, bring your mask, and enjoy a low-key adventure.

Get out there, enjoy the brisk fall weather, and remind yourself how beautiful our world can be. There are plenty of safe, socially distanced options for you to get outside before you have to bundle it all up.

Contributions from the Town & Country Insurance Newsletter Committee:  April, Gabe and Christy

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