Town & Country Connection – APR 2020

Town & Country Connection – APR 2020

Town & Country Connection

From virtual dress-up days and happy hours to video calls with the family, we’ve all adapted to the “new normal” way of doing things. Whether you are an essential employee burning the candle at both ends, or a work-from-home parent learning to teach, our different experiences and stories bring us together. And there’s one thing we all have in common:  We are in this together.
We hope this newsletter finds you healthy, safe, and well.

Our goal for 2020 is to protect you and your assets to the best of our ability, by providing you with the education, options and assurance you need to do so.

Protect Your Vacant Property

Protect Your Vacant Property

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, many businesses are left unattended and vulnerable. Click HERE to read a few precautions you can take to protect your vacant property & business.  Whether it’s your shop, restaurant, bar, school, salon, or even just your second home – vacant properties are a target for thieves.

If you have experienced a loss: You can contact us and we can assist you in filing a claim, or you can begin the claims process online directly with your insurance carrier HERE.

Recipe of the Month

5 Minute Pizza Sauce

Easy Homemade Pizza Sauce Recipe! 5 minutes and 9 ingredients results in the best pizza sauce you will ever have! Gluten-free, paleo-friendly, dairy-free, & vegan!  This was recommended by April. Her exact words were: “Love, love, love this recipe.”

Equipment: glass batter bowl, measuring spoons, red spatula


  • 6 oz tomato paste (1 -6 oz can)
  • 15 oz tomato sauce (1 – 15 oz can)
  • 1-2 TBS oregano to taste
  • 2 TBS Italian seasoning
  • ½ tsp garlic powder
  • ½ tsp onion powder
  • ½ TBS garlic salt
  • ¼ tsp freshly ground black pepper
  • 1 tsp sugar* coconut sugar for paleo or omit


  1. Mix tomato paste and sauce together in a medium size bowl until well combined (all the lumps of paste are incorporated into the sauce).
  2. Add the rest of the ingredients (oregano, Italian seasoning, garlic powder, onion powder, garlic salt, pepper and sugar) and mix well!
  3. Use in your favorite pizza recipe!
Prep Time5 minutes | Total Time5 minutes | Servings 24 Servings (2 14″ round pizzas)
Calories 23.3kcal Author: Laura | Link to original recipe here.
If YOU have a recipe you’d like us to feature in an upcoming newsletter, submit it here!

Auto Insurance Premium Refunds

You may be seeing ads on TV or posts on Facebook regarding auto insurance carriers issuing auto insurance premium refunds due to the lowered risk because of the COVID-19 pandemic. We have the skinny here!

Team T&C

Team T&C

Happy WORKiversary to Rhonda in our Mora office, and Jeni in our Life & Health Department! Click each picture to learn more about each agent, and see some pretty fun photos!

Community ConnectionsCommunity Connections

As a local small-business, we know the importance of receiving support from those within our communities. More than ever before our community food shelves, families, and individuals need us. They need all of us to do what we can, to come together, to make a difference. In our effort to help the communities in which we do business, Town & Country Insurance has pledged $5,000 to each of the following food shelves:

In this uncertain time, we feel a corporate responsibility to continue our giving back philosophy and are happy to make this contribution to support our local food shelves,” stated owners Bruce & Nancy Pogatchnik.

“We know many families and businesses are hurting and the need for stocked food shelves has become even more important.”

If you would like to make a donation, or if you need the services they offer, simply click the link to be taken to their websites. Other great resources are local Education programs at East Central, Willow River Area, Hinckley-Finlayson, Harvest Christian School and Mora School Districts and the Chambers of Commerce sites listed below:

2020 Giving Back

Now more than ever, our community organizations and nonprofits need us, need you, need each other.
While we don’t ASK for referrals, we do rely on them. We don’t pressure you like other agencies out there, but instead strive to provide you the best possible experience, so you’ll WANT to share it with your friends, family & neighbors.
So to say thank you, we are asking our top-referrers to help us spin the wheel and pick the local organization that will be receiving our donation!
We all know that warm tingly feeling we get inside when we do a good deed… well now we are passing that onto our top referrers, so they can feel it too!
Click here to learn about our latest wheel spin, and see a list of this year’s donation recipients.

Contributions from the Town & Country Insurance Newsletter Committee:  April, Gabe and Christy

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