Protect Your Vacant Property

Protect Your Vacant Property

Simple Steps To Protect Your Vacant Property

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, many businesses are left unattended and vulnerable. During this time, we urge you to take precautions to protect your vacant property & business.  Whether it’s your shop, restaurant, bar, school, salon, or even just your second home – vacant properties are a target for thieves.

Here are a few proactive steps you can do to protect your vacant property:

  • Regularly check the property; local law enforcement agencies may even do a “drive by” if you ask.
  • Leave lights on or schedule lights to come on, so does not appear vacant.
  • Remove any valuable items that can be easily carried out of the building.
  • Install security alarms or video surveillance. There are many reasonably-priced options that send images and alerts directly to your cell phone.
  • Ask a neighbor to check on your property for you if you are unable to get there.
  • Do an inventory of items inside your property, so in the event of theft, you’ll know exactly what you are missing.

What to do if you have been broken into:

  • Immediately notify the police; call 9-1-1. Safety is your first priority.
  • After your property is secure from any threats, do an assessment of the damage. Provide details such as serial numbers, etc.
  • Notify your insurance agent right away. We may have scheduled property items and can assist you in filing a claim.

For additional resources during these trying times, visit our dedicated COVID-19 page. As always, our teams are here to help. Please contact us with any questions you may have. Continue to be safe and protect your property. We will get through this… together.