Town & Country Connection – December 2019

Town & Country Connection – December 2019

Town & Country Connection

During this Christmas Season, our hearts turn gratefully to our friends, family & neighbors. Thank you for your business, for your recommendations, and your continued loyalty. We truly enjoy serving you and wish you a prosperous New Year!
If you have any ideas, topics or suggestions, just reply to this email and let us know.

Merry Christmas from Town & Country Insurance!

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Five Q's to ask your AgentFive Things to Ask Your Agent

Written by Gabe Cessna

Most people haven’t even looked at their policy in detail, let alone read it through front to back. I get it, it can be daunting – they use weird words and “insurance lingo” that just sounds like gibberish. Here, we outline five simple questions to ask your agent, which will help you get a better understanding of your protection and risks.

Recipe of the Month – Grandma Opal’s “Popcorn Salad”

When Sarah shared her Grandma Opal’s Popcorn Salad on her social media page, we knew it would be a great dish to share in our newsletter.

Maybe it’s the popcorn. Maybe it’s the bacon. Maybe it’s the nostalgia of a hand-written recipe.

Whatever it is, it’s sure to be a hit. Enjoy, and thank you Sarah for sharing your family’s recipe with us!  If YOU have a recipe you’d like us to feature in an upcoming newsletter, submit it here!

Clear Off Those Outbuildings

In addition to the standard potential for roof collapse after snowfall & ice buildup – many local farmers are at an increased risk. In just the last week, we have learned of two farms (no longer in full operation) that have had building collapses.

Read more to find out why, and what you can do if it happens to you.

Watch the 8th Wheel Spin!

Gabe & Nate, two of our commercial lines agents, did the wheel spin for $530! Although it took a few “takes” we managed to get a decent video! Be sure to watch the bloopers at the end!

YouTube video

Congrats to these organizations! Follow their links to find out more about how you can help support their causes in the community!

  1. Rhine Lake Retreat $630
  2. Hinckley Elementary PTO $630
  3. East Central School Hardship Fund $630
  4. Kanabec County Veterans Services $415
  5. Minnewawa Sportsmen’s Club $415
  6. B.A.D.G.E.S. $415
  7. Moose Lake Lady Rebels Hockey $530
  8. Rush City Youth Sports Club $530

Contributions from the Town & Country Insurance Newsletter Committee:  Nancy, Jeni, Christy & Liz

Know someone who would like to see our newsletter? They can subscribe above (top-right side of page)!