Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies

While traditional medicine is necessary and has its rightful place, there are a lot of natural ways to aid our physical, mental and emotional well-being. I tend to try the natural path to take care of minor ailments first, and wanted to share a few natural remedies that may be helpful to try at home this season:

  • Honeycalms cough and soothes a sore throat; promotes healthy skin and hair
  • Lemon – is a detoxifier; strengthens the immune system; improves mood and alertness
  • Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) – may lower blood sugar levels; improves heart health; aids in weight-loss
  • Ginger – relieves nausea; is a detoxifier; minimizes certain aches & pains
  • Peppermint – relieves indigestion; natural insect repellent; promotes mental alertness; anti-depressant
  • Cinnamon – may lower blood sugar levels; reduces the risk of heart disease; improves brain function
  • Coconut Oil – boosts metabolism; strengthens the immune system; promotes healthy skin & hair

Keep in mind, some remedies may work for one person, and not the next. Always talk with your doctor before trying something new. Many of the above ingredients can be found in essential oils, which can be individual or in the form of blends. Even the Mayo Clinic has published an article on the benefits of aromatherapy, using essential oils.

My son calls these my potions

He even asked me if I was a real witch – at first I didn’t know how to take that inquiry until I realized he was referring to the oils. Needless to say, I have become obsessed with my “potions” at home. Some of the natural remedies I have whipped up relieve headaches, minimize stress, boost our immune systems, give us motivation, help us focus, boost our moods, and can even help us fall asleep. There are so many more recipes that I can’t wait to try!

Jeni Olander, Life & Health Agent