What is an Independent Insurance Agency?

What is an Independent Insurance Agency?

Insurance. It is something that we don’t want to think about, we just know that we must have it. When you are looking for insurance, there is an option to go through a captive agency, where you buy insurance through one specific company. The other type of agency is an independent agency, which is what we at Town & Country Insurance are.

Independent agencies do not just work with one specific company but work with multiple companies to ensure that all your insurance needs, even the unique ones, are taken care of. With the ability to quote your insurance through multiple companies, it allows you to shop around without going to multiple agencies. This also means you only have one agent who knows what you are looking for and eliminates the need for you to repeat yourself. Since there are many carriers offered at an independent agency, you are able to shop around and can find companies that work for you.

One of the major benefits of having multiple companies at an agency is having a customized experience for your needs.  When you first meet with your agent, you have a conversation with them about your specific insurance needs. They can shop around at different companies and find the ones that best fit your needs or in some cases discounts you wouldn’t have known about.  Typically, with an independent insurance agency, there are many different types of coverages that they sell, from RVs to health Insurance and business insurance.

With an independent insurance agency, you work with one agent, so you get to build a relationship with them and don’t have to spend time repeating what you need to multiple agents. Most independent insurance agencies are local and are active in the community, so you are speaking to a face you may already know and trust. You don’t have to sit on hold on a 1-800 number to get passed around from agent to agent but can have a real person answer the phone and know who you are.

Here at Town & Country Insurance we are made up of licensed agents who are all here to answer your questions, so if your agent is out, you can go into any of our three offices, and anyone is there to help with any questions that you have. Whether you are not sure what you need or are looking for something specific, we can help you find the policy that works for you.