Life & Health

Father’s Day

Fathers Day Blog

Time to Honor Dad  With summer drawing near and the weather warming up, Minnesota’s neighborhoods come alive with the sights and sounds of the season: fishing boats, pontoons, lawnmowers, power tools and backyard barbecues, to name a few. For many people, those things all bring to mind one specific person: Dad. And since Father’s Day […]

What is a paramedical exam?

What is a paramedical exam?

What is a paramedical exam? If you have ever applied for a Life Insurance policy, then you may have heard of a paramedical (paramed) exam. A paramed exam is an exam done by a medical professional and is used to gather data about your medical history and current medical status. They may take measurements, like […]

Make Earth Day Your Everyday

Make Earth Day Your Everyday

Earth Day may officially come around only once a year on April 22, but our world would be a better place if we all took steps to take care of the planet year round. So, we here at Town & Country Insurance put together several ways to both commemorate Earth Day and to live a little […]

Insurance Premium Scam Alert!

Scam Alert

Scammers Are Impersonating Insurance Companies & Agents Recently, a customer of ours was contacted by a scammer who was impersonating an insurance company representative. The scammer insisted the customer’s policy was going to cancel if they did not pay (over the phone) immediately. Thankfully, this raised a red flag with the customer. They contacted their […]