Life Insurance Tips

Life Insurance Tips

September is Life Insurance Awareness Month

Jeni Olander, who brings 17 years of experience to our Life & Health Team, is our resident Life Insurance guru! Since September is #LIAM (Life Insurance Awareness Month,) we’d like to highlight a few things to know about life insurance. While it can seem unnecessary now, your family’s future may just depend upon it.

  • Life Insurance isn’t for you… it’s for them. (Your family, your legacy.)
  • Having some (coverage) is better than none at all. At minimum, it’ll buy them time to figure out their next move.
  • Yes, a Life Insurance policy purchased when you are young & healthy may have a lower premium, but there are still affordable policy options available when you’re older.
  • The longer you wait to get life insurance, the greater the probability that you’ll have a health-event that deems you uninsurable!
  • There are many types of policies & companies to choose from. Pick a life insurance policy that works for you. (Which may be different than one that works for your neighbor!)
  • Cheaper isn’t always better.
  • Work with someone you trust. They will be servicing your policy and guiding your beneficiaries through the claims process when you’re gone.
  • Quotes are free!

Life Insurance is not a “fun” thing to think about, but there’s peace of mind knowing your family & legacy will be taken care of when you aren’t here to take care of them.

Whether you just have questions on a policy you may have through your employer, or are interested in learning more about Life Insurance, give Jeni a call at 320.384.7423!