Town & Country Connection – September 2019 Newsletter

Town & Country Connection – September 2019 Newsletter

Town & Country Connection

In our second full edition of the Town & Country Connection, we aim to bring valuable info, insurance tips & fun to your day! Thanks for reading and enjoy.

School’s Back In Session

It seems like summer went by before we even had a chance to enjoy it – and now we are preparing our house for all things fall – and the kids are busy at school again! Whether you love or loathe this time of year, there’s something nostalgic about recollecting memories of your days at school. Here, our team shares a few of their best (or worst) memories!

“Being the high school mascot, the Mora Mustang!” ~ Amanda

“Water balloon fights on the last day of school at the library park, the California band/choir trip, and marching band bus rides to parades!” ~Christy

“As I was entering 7th grade, I do remember it was probably the most excited I had ever been: 7th grade was the first time you were a part of the ‘real’ sports teams!” ~Nate

“I had just moved to a new school (Moose Lake) in 9th grade, and within a month I had a sports-related accident in gym class! We were playing field hockey and one of my classmates wound up and wacked my forehead with the solid wood ball of the field hockey stick! After a trip to the ER, a few stitches AND a wounded ego – I was OK! I still hear about it though – I had a bandage wrap on my head for a couple of weeks… right before Halloween – how embarrassing for my first impression at a new school!” ~Liz

Here are a few of our employees’ school days pictures!  Top: Joni, Jeni, Jessica, Bottom: Vicki, Nancy, Barb.


Recipe of the MonthPumpkin Bread

When we were talking about which recipe to feature this month, we all decided it should be a “fall” recipe and Jeni said she had the PERFECT recipe, so here it is!

  • 1 (15oz) can of pumpkin puree
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 c. vegetable oil
  • 2/3 c. water
  • 3 c. white sugar
  • 3 ½ c. all-purpose flour
  • 2 t. baking soda
  • 1 ½ t. salt
  • 1 t. each – ground cinnamon & ground nutmeg
  • ½ t. ground cloves
  • ¼ t. ground ginger
  1. Preheat oven to 350°. Grease & flour three 7×3″ loaf pans.
  2. In large bowl, mix the pumpkin, egg, oil, water & sugar until well blended.
  3. In a second bowl, whisk together dry ingredients (flour, baking soda, salt, spices.)
  4. Stir the dry ingredients into the pumpkin mixture until just blended.
  5. Pour into the three greased & floured loaf pans.
  6. Bake about 50 minutes until done. Check by inserting a toothpick in the center of the loaf; if it comes out clean, it’s done!

Jeni adds: “This recipe is awesome as-is, but sometimes I add more of the spice. You could also easily add in some raisins, nuts, or a cream cheese icing for more deliciousness, if that is your thing! Enjoy!!”

Team T&C

Happy Anniversary!

We’d like to wish a Happy Work Anniversary to our AWESOME team members! Since this is only our 2nd newsletter of the year, we wanted to highlight those who have had an anniversary thus far.

Congrats on another year, and we are so honored to work with such great people. Look at all those who have over 10 years in – WOW!

  • JANUARY 2019:  Barb Rabe (4 yrs), Liz Kelly (2 yrs)
  • FEBRUARY 2019: Lisa Koski (16 yrs)
  • MARCH 2019: Jack Cole (13 yrs), Gabe Cessna (5 yrs)
  • APRIL 2019: Rhonda (2 yrs)
  • MAY 2019: Jeni Olander (17 yrs)
  • JUNE 2019: April Alberg (15 yrs), Joni Smith (11 yrs), Sarah Jerry (6 yrs), Julene Sperling (4 yrs), Nate Jackson (3 yrs)
  • JULY 2019: Nancy Pogatchnik (35 yrs), Amanda Halbert (15 yrs), Judy Hartl (8 yrs), Christy Sundet (6 yrs), Jenell Carlson (2 yrs), Jessica Lind (1yr)
  • AUGUST 2019: Rachel Herzfeldt-Skog (7 yrs)

Welcome Colleen!

When you walk into the Finlayson office, or when you call, you will get to talk to Colleen! As the newest member of the T&C Family, she will be your go-to for policy payments, claims, and any minor policy changes you may have!

As a newly-licensed agent, Colleen is new to the insurance game but eager to learn & grow from her extensive customer service roots! She is a mother to three girls (and a boxer pup) and enjoys reading… and planning for her wedding in October!

Colleen is excited to be a part of Team T&C and is looking forward to getting to know everyone!

Insurance TipsSeptember is Life Insurance Awareness Month

Jeni Olander (who happens to be celebrating 17 years with us this year) is our resident Life Insurance guru! Since September is #LIAM (Life Insurance Awareness Month,) we’d like to highlight a few things to know about life insurance. While it can seem unnecessary now, your family’s future may just depend upon it.

  • Life Insurance isn’t for you… it’s for them. (Your family, your legacy.)
  • Having some (coverage) is better than none at all. At minimum, it’ll buy them time to figure out their next move.
  • Yes, a Life Insurance policy purchased when you are young & healthy may have a lower premium, but there are still affordable policy options available when you’re older.
  • The longer you wait to get life insurance, the greater the probability that you’ll have a health-event that deems you uninsurable!
  • There are many types of policies & companies to choose from. Pick a life insurance policy that works for you. (Which may be different than one that works for your neighbor!)
  • Cheaper isn’t always better.
  • Work with someone you trust. They will be servicing your policy and guiding your beneficiaries through the claims process when you’re gone.
  • Quotes are free!

Life Insurance is not a “fun” thing to think about, but there’s peace of mind knowing your family & legacy will be taken care of when you aren’t here to take care of them.

Whether you just have questions on a policy you may have through your employer, or are interested in learning more about Life Insurance, give Jeni a call!

A new winner was selected on our 5th Wheel Spin!

Who wins the $415 donation this month? Watch to see!

YouTube video

Congrats to these organizations! Follow their links to find out more about how you can help support their causes in the community!

  1. Rhine Lake Retreat $630
  2. Hinckley Elementary PTO $630
  3. East Central School Hardship Fund $630
  4. Kanabec County Veterans Services $415
  5. Minnewawa Sportsmen’s Club $415

Giving Back

Community ConnectionsCommunity Connections

  • The new teachers at Hinckley-Finlayson schools were treated to lunch at their orientation and given a mini first-aid kit from T&C!
  • We will be continuing the Player of the Game again this year, selecting & recognizing a player for the Hinckley-Finlayson Jaguars each home game! The first two players awarded “Player of the Game” for the season can be found here!
  • Look for T&C to support your local high school sports team! This fall we’ll be handing out some footballs & seat cushions at athletic events! #fridaynightlights

Contributions from the Town & Country Insurance Newsletter Committee:  Nancy, Jeni, Christy & Liz

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